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2000 for 2000

Cyanobacteria sp (Blue-green Algae sp) to Phallus impudicus (Stinkhorn)

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Kingdom Cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria sp. (Blue-green Algae sp.)
A fairly vague identification, but warning signs around Whitlingham Little Broad from 27/8/00 were accompanied by clumps of murkiness in the water. I don’t know if there is one usual species involved or many.

Kingdom Fungi

A total of 136 “species” were recorded, albeit that some identifications were rather tentative. A great many fungi went unidentified, including many dull and small species but some which were quite striking. In particular, upper Dee-side in early September had loads of fungi but I had no idea what most of them were. Additionally, a distinctive yellow gooey mess found on a twig at Rishbeth was presumed to be some sort of slime mould but I’ve not found any references covering these. The whole group was hard work but the year provided a good introduction to them. I don’t know if I’ll take them much further in future years though.

Phylum Deuteromycota

Aspergillus sp. / Penicillin sp.
Mould noted growing on bread left in our back room to be put out to the birds was presumably something like this, although I wouldn’t claim any great knowledge.

Phylum Amastigomycota
Class Hymenoascomycetes
Order Xylariales

Daldinia concentrica (King Alfred's Cakes)
Noted initially at Caistor Fort on 1/2, and at the Nunnery on 9/2; unrecorded after this but fairly widespread on Ash.
Xylaria hypoxylon (Candle Snuff Fungus)
First noted on Barnhamcross Common on 27/1, then at Caistor Fort, Walberswick and elsewhere. A similar looking fungus at Two Mile Bottom on 11/10 on a beech log was unforked at the tips so could have been a different species?
Xylaria polymorpha (Dead Man's Fingers)
This distinctive looking fungus was pointed out to me at Hockering Wood on 23/9 by members of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

Order Hypocreales

Nectria cinnabarina (Coral Spot)
Distinctive orange spots on wood, first noted at The Nunnery on 9/2 then elsewhere.

Subclass “Lecanoromycetideae”

Cladonia sp.
Lichens with green “elf-caps” first noted on Barnhamcross Common on 31/1 then elsewhere - this type of lichen again obvious in December.
Pleurococcus sp. / Desmococcus sp.
The ubiquitous fine green lichen spotting on tree trunks was apparently one of these two genera, although little information to hand.
{Other lichens}
Additional species of lichens were noted widely, especially in Dee-side in Scotland where some particularly interesting specimens seen at Linn of Dee, but also some in the Brecks. No real effort was put into the group, however, so many species went unrecorded.

Order Phacidiales

Rhytisma acerinum (Tar Spot)
A common fungus on Sycamore leaves and first noted at The Nunnery on 9/2.
Rhizina undulata (Pine Fire Fungus)
Noted on Barnhamcross Common on 20/7 and still visible here on 21/8.
Macroscyphus macropus
An unusual looking fungus pointed out to me at Hockering Wood on 23/9.

Class Phragmobasidiomycetes
Order Auriculariales

Auricularia auricula-judae (Jew's Ear)
A common fungus, usually on Elder, first noted at the Nunnery Lakes on 8/2.

Order Tremellales

Tremella mesenterica (Yellow Brain Fungus)
What was assumed to be this species was found on a gorse stem on Barnhamcross Common on 25/10.

Class "Transitional Groups"

Calocera cornea
An odd little yellow club fungus at Caistor Fort on 1/10.

Class Homobasidiomycetes
Order Corticiales

Stereum hirsutum (Hairy Stereum)
First recorded from Mousehold Heath on 30/1 and widespread elsewhere.

Order Thelephorales

Thelephora terrestris (Earth Fan)
Recorded at Brettenham Heath on 27/9.

Order Ganodermatales

Ganoderma applanatum (Artist's Fungus)
Recorded at Nunnery Lakes on 11/2 - this and the following species tricky and not 100% sure both were definitely recorded.
Ganoderma adspersum
Recorded at East Wretham Heath on 31/1 and Caistor Fort on 5/2 - see previous species.

Order Polyporales

Grifola frondosa (Hen of the Woods)
Noted at Rishbeth Woods on 7/9. Also at The Nunnery.
Fistulina hepatica (Beef-steak Fungus)
Found in Poringland Woods on 15/9, covered in small beetles identified as being of the genus Mycetophagus.
Polyporus brumalis (Winter Polypore)
Identified from Barnhamcross Common on 31/1 but not subsequently.
Polyporus squamosus (Dryad's Saddle)
First noted at Ashton Court Estate on 27/5, then again at Whitlingham Woods on 19/8 then commonly elsewhere.
Polyporus leptocephalus
A small orangey, leathery polypore identified as this species (=P.varius) at Two Mile Bottom on 27/9.
Tyromyces stipticus
This species was identified in pine stumps on Barnhamcross Common on 27/1, then perhaps appearing again from 18/9 although some uncertainty about some later sightings.
Coriolus versicolor (Many-zoned Polypore)
First noted on Barnhamcross Common on 27/1 and then very commonly afterwards, even noted from the front garden on a willow stump in December.
Daedaleopsis confragosa (Blushing Bracket)
First noted at the Nunnery Lakes on 4/2, then further records from Walberswick, Rishbeth and elsewhere.
Piptoporus betulinus (Birch Polypore)
First noted at Marsham Heath on 23/1 then widespread elsewhere, especially birches broken at the tops (struck by lightening?). First small ones in the autumn from 24/8 when noted at Lopham Fen.
Meripilus giganteus (Giant Polypore)
Found on Beech roots in Trowse Woods on 24/9.
Daedalea quercina (Maze-gill)
Found at East Wretham Heath on 28/9.
Heterobasidion annosum (Root Fomes)
First found at Whitlingham Woods on 15/9, then at Hockering Wood and elsewhere.
Laetiporus sulphureus (Sulphur Polypore)
A massive, yellowish fungus on a riverside tree near Caistor Quarry was presumed to be this species, first noted on 3/10.

Order Clavariales

Clavulinopsis corniculata
Recorded on Barnhamcross Common on 20/9.
Clavulinopsis helveola
Recorded at Waxham Sands holiday camp on 4/11.

Order Tricholomatales

Panus torulosus (Twisted Panus)
Identified from a tree stump at Caistor Fort on 2/2.
Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom)
Recorded at Hockering Wood on 23/9 and suspected elsewhere also.
Hygrocybe nigrescens (Blackening Wax Cap)
Identified at Caistor Fort on 1/10 and at Waxham Sands on 14/10.
Hygrocybe ceracea
This or similar yellow wax cap identified at Waxham Sands on 14/10.
Calocybe gambosa (St George's Mushroom)
Noted at UEA on 22/4, one day early!
Armillaria mellea (Honey Fungus)
Identified at Caistor Fort on 10/2 and at Hockering Wood on 23/9. An apparently very common species but I never felt I really got to grips with it.
Laccaria amethystea (Amethyst Deceiver)
First noted on Brettenham Heath on 24/8 and then common, especially under oaks on Barnhamcross Common and at Poringland Woods.
Laccaria laccata (The Deceiver)
Identified from Brettenham Heath on 27/9 and from Barnhamcross Common on 6/10.
Tricholoma fulvum
Identified from East Wretham Heath on 11/10 although hugely certain about this.
Clitocybe rivulosa
A large number of mushrooms which appeared to be this species were under birch by the car park at Brettenham Heath on 13/10.
Clitocybe nebulosa (Clouded Agaric)
First identified from Rishbeth on 6/10 and I think common thereafter, or something like it!
Clitocybe infundibulus (Common Funnel-cap)
Identified from Risbeth on 18/9 and Hockering Wood on 23/9.
Clitocybe flaccida (Tawny Funnel-cap)
Identified from Rishbeth on 18/9 and from Brettenham Heath and Two Mile Bottom on 23/9.
Leucopaxillus giganteus
A few of these distinctive big mushrooms just over the Shadwell fence at the Nunnery Lakes on 26/9.
Lyophyllum decastes
Identified at East Wretham Heath on 28/9 and Whitlingham on 30/9.
Rickenella fibula
Noted at Hockering Wood on 23/9, identified by fungus foray members.
Lepista nuda (Wood Blewitt)
A late species, first identified at Barnhamcross Common on 25/10 then elsewhere.
Mycena galopus (Milk-drop Mycena)
Noted at Barnhamcross Common on 19/9.
Mycena pura
Recorded at Hockering Woods on 23/9 and Two Mile Bottom on 11/10.
Marasmius oreades (Fairy Ring Champignon)
First noted at the Nunnery Lakes and Barnhamcorss Common on 21/8 then quite widespread.
Collybia maculata (Spotted Tough-shank)
First recorded from Two Mile Bottom on 6/9 then common in Thetford Forest. A very distinctive species.
Collybia butyracea (Butter Cap)
Recorded from Hockering Wood on 23/9 and later from Two Mile Bottom and Rishbeth.
Collybia confluens (Clustered Tough-shank)
Noted at Hockering Wood on 23/9.
Collybia dryophila
Tentatively identified from Brettenham Heath on 27/9 - apparently a very common species.
Collybia peronata (Wood Woolly-foot)
First noted at Hockering Wood on 23/9.
Flammulina velutipes (Velvet Shank)
Noted at Caistor Fort on 25/1 and Whitlingham Woods on 3/2, then again at Caistor Fort on 12/12.
Cystoderma amianthinum
One thought to be this species (orange cap, ring, scaly stem) at Brettenham Heath on 27/9.
Megacollybia platyphylla
Noted from Hockering Wood on 23/9.
Oudemansiella radicata (Rooting Shank)
Noted from Rishbeth Wood on 7/9 and Poringland Woods on 15/9.

Order Agaricales

Agaricus abruptibulbus
Found at Rishbeth on 13/10.
Agaricus placomyces
Found at Whitlingham on 3/10 and Rishbeth on 6/10.
Agaricus silvicola
Identified at The Nunnery on 26/9.
Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom)
Identified from The Nunnery on 26/9 and Barnhamcross Common on 10/10.
Agaricus arvensis (Horse Mushroom)
Found at Caistor Fort on 11/9 and Whitlingham on 3/10.
Agaricus xanthodermus (Yellow-stainer)
Noted at Rishbeth on 6/10 and Barnhamcross Common on 10/10.
Echinoderma aspersum
This striking species, which seemed to go under many names in the books, was recorded from Hockering Wood on 23/9 and Rishbeth on 13/10.
Lepiota cristata
Identified at Brettenham Heath on 27/9 and at the Nunnery Lakes on 2/10.
Lepiota felina
Tentatively identified at Poringland Woods on 3/10 but many similar small Lepiota spp.
Lepiota procera (Parasol Mushroom)
First noted on Barnhamcross Common on 7/6 but more common and widespread in the autumn. Eaten and good!
Lepiota rhacodes (Shaggy Parasol)
Identified at Mousehold Heath on 16/9 and later elsewhere.
Coprinus micaceus (Glistening Ink Cap)
A distinctive fungus forming clumps on tree stumps, noted at North Burlingham on 13/2 and again in the autumn, including at Whitlingham on 15/9.
Coprinus atramentarius
Recorded at The Nunnery on 26/9.
Coprinus niveus
Tentatively identified from horse-dung at Brettenham Heath on 14/9, though many similar small species of Coprinus spp.
Coprinus plicatilis (Little Japanese Umbrella)
Identified in the back garden on 20/7.
Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Ink Cap)
First noted at Whitlingham on 30/9.

Order Amanitales

Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric)
First noted on 2/9 at the Linn of Dee, but the first in the Brecks on Barnhamcross Common not until 26/9.
Amanita phalloides (Death Cap)
Noted under beeches in the car park at Two Mile Bottom on 27/9 and 11/10.
Amanita citrina (False Death Cap)
Recorded from Rishbeth Wood on 22/9 and 6/10 and from Poringland Woods on 3/10 and 21/10.
Amanita rubescens (The Blusher)
First noted at Mousehold Heath on 16/9 with other records noted at Poringland Woods and Hickling.

Order Pluteales

Pluteus cervinus
Noted from Lynford Stag on 13/3 and in the autumn from Rishbeth, Poringland Woods and East Wretham Heath.
Pluteus salicinus
Tentatively identified from Rishbeth on 6/10.

Order Entolomatales

Entoloma nidorosum
Noted at Risbeth Wood on 18/9.

Order Cortinariales

Cortinarius crocolitus
Many presumed Cortinarius spp. seen and most difficult but probably this species noted in Poringland Woods on 3/10.
Inocybe sp.
The fungus foray at Hockering Wood identified one of these to genus for me but no further.
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Poison Pie)
Noted on Barnhamcross Common on 10/10.
Tubaria hiemalis
Identified from Caistor Fort on 9/2.
Gymnopilus hybridus
Genus probably seen commonly but tricky - this species identified at Rishbeth on 13/10.
Crepidotus variabilis
Noted at East Wretham Heath on 28/9.
Stropharia aeruginosa (Verdigris Agaric)
A superb looking beastie, found at Brettenham Heath on 13/10.
Stropharia semiglobata (Dung Round-head)
Noted at The Nunnery on 26/9.
Hypholoma fasciculare (Sulphur Tuft)
First identified from Rishbeth on 7/9 and then common.
Hypholoma marginatum
Tentatively identified from Two Mile Bottom on 27/9.
Pluteolus aleuriatus
Noted at Rishbeth on 6/10.

Order Russulales

Russula ochroleuca (Common Yellow Russula)
A very common species, first recorded at Rishbeth on 31/8 but widespread afterwards.
Russula nigrescens (Blackening Russula)
Distinctive, noted at Poringland Woods on 5/9 under beech and elsewhere later.
Russula mairei (Beechwood Sickener)
Recorded under beech at Rishbeth on 6/10 and 13/10.
Russula emetica (The Sickener)
Recorded at Rishbeth on 22/9 and 13/10.
Russula atropurpurea (Blackish-purple Russula)
Noted in Poringland Woods on 15/9 and 23/9.
Russula erythropus
Recorded tentatively at Two Mile Bottom on 27/9 and at Rishbeth on 13/10.
Russula lepida
Tentatively identified at Whitlingham on 3/10 (reddish-white stem).
Russula sororia
Noted from Barnhamcross Common on 19/9.
Russula xeramplina
Recorded from East Wretham Heath on 11/10, though not 100% sure.
Russula cyanoxantha (The Charcoal Burner)
Apparently common, I recorded this species at Poringland Woods on 15/9, Mousehold Heath on 16/9 and Two Mile Bottom on 27/9 but never really felt I got to grips with it.
Lactarius vietus (Grey Milk-cap)
Tentatively identified from Barnhamcross Common on 18/9 and 22/9. This genus was very common but very difficult.
Lactarius quietus (Oak Milk-cap)
First noted on Barnhamcross Common on 19/9, where common later. Also at Hockering Wood.
Lactarius rufus (Rufous Milk-cap)
Identified from Barnhamcross Common on 28/9.
Lactarius subdulcis
Tentatively identified from Brettenham Heath on 27/9.

Order Boletales

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (False Chanterelle)
First noted at Rishbeth on 22/9 then rather widespread.
Paxillus involutus (Brown Roll-rim)
Recorded at Mousehold Heath on 16/9 and later elsewhere, including Poringland Woods and Two Mile Bottom.
Paxillus panuoides
Recorded from Rishbeth on 13/10.
Chroogomphus rutilus
Noted at UEA on 17/9 and on Barnhamcross Common on 18/9.
Boletus badius (Bay Boletus)
First noted on Barnhamcross Common on 12/9 and then probably the most widely recorded bolete.
Boletus erythropus
Noted at Hockering Wood on 23/9 by members of the fungus foray and then identified for myself from Poringland Woods on 14/10.
Boletus edulis (Cep)
Noted under oak on Barnhamcross Common on 25/9, 26/9 and 10/10 (at least). Edible and tasty.
Boletus chrysenteron (Red-cracked Boletus)
First recorded from Poringland Woods on 15/9 and then widespread.
Boletus piperatus (Peppery Boletus)
Recorded from Mousehold Heath on 16/9.
Gyroporus castaneus (Chestnut Boletus)
Identified on Barnhamcross Common on 19/9.
Tylopilus felleus (Bitter Boletus)
Noted in Poringland Woods on 23/9 and 3/10.
Leccinum scabrum (Birch Bolete)
Under an isolated birch tree by Haweswater on 3/9.
Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack)
Recorded from Brettenham Heath on 27/9 and probably elsewhere later.
Suillus bovinus
Identified from Rishbeth on 6/10 and 13/10.
Suillus granulatus
Tentatively identified from Rishbeth on 18/9.
Suillus variegatus
Tentatively identified from Rishbeth on 18/9.

Order Lycoperdales

Geastrum sessile
Colony in the alder wood at The Nunnery, noted on 9/2.
Geastrum triplex
Found under beeches at Two Mile Bottom on 23/11.
Calvatia excipuliformis
What was thought to be this species was common on Barnhamcross Common, especially as old “half-cups”. First noted on 24/2.
Lycoperdon pyriforme (Stump Puffball)
First noted at North Burlingham on 13/2 and probably elsewhere later.
Lycoperdon perlatum (Common Puffball)
First noted at Caistor Fort on 25/1 and then fairly common, noted again in the autumn.
Lycoperdon foetidum
This species was identified from East Wretham Heath on 28/9.
Vascellum pratense
Noted at Rishbeth on 15/2 and at the Nunnery Lakes on 14/9.
Bovista plumbea
Found in the car park at Horsey Gap on 30/9.
Langermannia gigantea (Giant Puffball)
First noted in the grounds of The Nunnery on 26/9. Also noted at Whitlingham on 30/9 and Caistor Fort on 1/10.

Order Sclerodermatales

Scleroderma citrina (Earth Ball)
First recorded on Barnhamcross Common on 23/8 then common and recorded from at least Brettenham Heath, Poringland Woods and Mousehold Heath.

Order Phallales

Phallus impudicus (Stinkhorn)
First noted at Two Mile Bottom on 6/6, then widespread including records from Rishbeth Wood, Barnhamcross Common and Poringland Woods.